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How The Luxembourg Pavilion Serves As A Platform For Business Exchange

This is Luxembourg’s 25th official participation at a World Expo, the first in London in 1851 and the most recent in Dubai for the Expo 2020.

Three economic missions are being planned for the Osaka World Expo 2025, each with a different sector focus.

The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce recently revealed the economic missions it is organising with its partner, GIE Luxembourg@Expo2025Osaka.

Each of the missions includes a guided tour of the expo, along with several opportunities for networking. As director-general of the Chamber of Commerce Carlo Thelen explained, Japan is Luxembourg’s second commercial partner in Asia, and one that’s “well diversified”. He called it a country where it’s important to renew connections regularly to “create trust”.

Three official missions

The first official mission is multisectoral, taking place 24-31 May, with the “Journée Luxembourgeoise” taking place on 30 May. The mission includes company visits in Tokyo and Osaka, VIP access to the Luxembourg pavilion, plus an official networking reception. Some cultural excursions are also being planned. Companies have until 3 April to register.

The second is a space mission on 12-18 July, with Tokyo company visits, a space event at the pavilion, plus an official networking reception and pre-arranged B2B meetings. The mission builds on the space cooperation between the two countries, including the strategic partnership signed by LuxProvide and the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JACA) on 13 June. Registration for this mission closes on 5 May.

The third mission is dedicated to tech and health and includes targeted company visits in Osaka and Tokyo, along with cultural visits, an official networking reception and pre-arranged B2B visits. This mission runs 14-19 July, with registration closing on 12 May.

As Cindy Tereba, Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce CTO & director of international affairs, confirmed during the World Expo 2025 Osaka Info Day organised after the press conference, high-level officials will be present on each of the missions. These include HRH the Grand Duke, Minister of Foreign Affairs Xavier Bettel and Minister for Defence Yuriko Backes who are expected to be present on Luxembourg Day. For the second and third missions, HRH Crown Prince Guillaume; Bettel; Minister of the Economy, SME, Energy and Tourism of Luxembourg Lex Delles and Minister for Digitalisation Minister for Research and Higher Education Stéphanie Obertin are expected to be present for the 16 July reception, according to a Chamber spokesperson.

“[…] the relationship between Japan and Luxembourg has continued to be successful.”

Successful cooperation

During the info session, Japanese Ambassador Tadahiro Matsubara also shared the areas of bilateral cooperation, including the signing of an air services agreement in June as well as the working holidays visa programme, which allows for nationals of both countries between ages 18-30 to work and travel in the other country for up to one year. He also reiterated the commitment both countries have in space resources and called 2025 a “promising year”, citing the historic iSpace SMBC x HAKUTO-R Venture Moon Mission 2 launch, which includes Europe’s first micro-rover to the moon.

The company, which has its HQ in Tokyo and additional presence in the U.S., welcomed Prime Minister Luc Frieden to its Luxembourg premises to witness the launch. iSpace is just one of the 48 Japanese companies active in Luxembourg in a wide range of sectors, including finance, tech and industry. “Despite many challenges and uncertainties in the global environment we face today, the relationship between Japan and Luxembourg has continued to be successful,” Ambassador Matsubara added.

Japanese-Ambassador-to-Luxembourg-Tadahiro-Matsubara-pictured-during-the-Osaka-Info-Day-which-took-place-at-the-Luxembourg-Chamber-of-Commerce-on-25-February-2025 (Pho ©-Natalie-A.-Gerhardstein

Jeu de quilles, anyone?

Expo 2025 Osaka runs 13 April through 13 October 2025 and expects to welcome some 28 million visiotrs over the course of the six months.

In addition to the potential for business exchanges on the official level, the pavilion, designed by Luxembourg architectural firm STDM in collab with Japan-based MIKAN, contains a number of experiences under the “Doki Doki – The Luxembourg Heartbeat” theme which will undoubtedly help facilitate additional exchanges.

One is an immersive space where visitors can experience Luxembourg’s landscapes and other highlights. Another is in the form of an interactive game, “Instruments of Sustainability”, which visitors can play to learn more about the grand duchy’s sustainable initiatives. There’s also an exhibition that blends physical and virtual spaces so visitors can peek into the lives of Luxembourg residents. Last but not least, the pavilion will also have its own “Keelebunn”, or jeu de quilles game, which was fabricated in Luxembourg.

This is Luxembourg’s 25th official participation at a World Expo, the first in London in 1851 and the most recent in Dubai for the Expo 2020—which was originally scheduled for 2020 but was delayed to October 2021 through March 2022 due to the covid-19 pandemic.

One of the immersive experiences will take visitors through cultural and natural highlights of the grand duchy (Photo © jangled nerves for Luxembourg Pavilion @ Expo 2025 Osaka)
Natalie A. Gerhardstein
Natalie A. Gerhardstein
Natalie A. Gerhardstein est une journaliste et rédactrice indépendante qui possède 20 ans d'expérience dans les médias internationaux, l'édition et la communication stratégique d'entreprise. Ses écrits sur les affaires et le développement international, les voyages et la culture ont été publiés dans diverses publications, au Luxembourg et à l'étranger, notamment dans des magazines de bord, des magazines d'affaires, de finance et de culture/lifestyle, ainsi que dans des magazines de voyage. Ayant la double nationalité américaine et allemande, Natalie est titulaire d'un MBA et parle l'anglais, le français, l'allemand et le luxembourgeois à des degrés divers, et apprend des rudiments de coréen et de japonais. Elle adore voyager, surtout en Asie.

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